It was a busy day at Turning Point. Among the many visitors that day was a young woman, her eyes filled with worry and uncertainty. She spoke only Spanish, and I, being limited in my Spanish, knew I needed assistance. Luckily, I had a colleague fluent in Spanish, by my side.
The woman's distress was palpable as she awaited her pregnancy test results. Her trembling hands betrayed her inner turmoil, and her eyes darted anxiously around the room. When the test confirmed her fears, she couldn't contain her anguish. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she whispered, "No quiero estar embarazada" (I don't want to be pregnant).
Sensing her need for support, we called in her husband, who was waiting in the car with their 18-month-old son. Together, they huddled in the counseling room, enveloped in their own world of conversation and contemplation. We stepped out, giving them the space they needed to process the news.
After what felt like an eternity, the couple emerged, their expressions softened by shared understanding and resolve. My colleague and I approached them gently, ready to offer guidance and reassurance. Through my colleague’s translation, we listened to their fears and worries, offering words of comfort and reassurance that help and resources were available. Â
Despite her initial distress, the woman's demeanor began to shift as we performed an ultrasound. As the image of their unborn child appeared on the screen, her countenance transformed, and her uncertainty faded. Her eyes sparkled with newfound hope. With tears of gratitude in her eyes, she embraced us, whispering heartfelt thanks in Spanish. In that moment, the weight of her worries seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of optimism for the future. We knew there would be challenges ahead, but for now, she was filled with hope.